Isaac Asimov |
news was published on November 20, 2007 in the Spanish major newspaper ABC:
Jugene, the most
powerful and ecological civilian computer in the world, is German. [In the]
Rhinelandic town of Jülich [was installed] Jugene (Jülicher Blue Gene), whose
167,000 million basic operations (teraflops) per second make it the world's
first computer for civilian use...
the most powerful computers at the time could run at a few hundred teraflops.
This news exaggerated the speed of the computer by nine orders of magnitude.
This error has not been corrected. It’s still in the web.
on a Radio broadcast on May 30, 2008: Fishermen
complain about the rising price of diesel. Five years ago it cost them 320%
less. In other words, five years ago they were paid to fill the
Let's look at another example of a wrong headline published on 2/18/2020. The headline says: New green technology generates electricity "out of thin air." The text clarifies that it is generated from the humidity of the air acting on a protein.
errors, so frequent in the media (I could contribute many more), have led me to
formulate the following golden rule of scientific popularization:
Any statement you assert must be correct and contrastable.
one says must be carefully checked to ensure that it is not a mistake, hasty or
misrepresented news, or in the worst case, fake news.
typical error of scientific popularization in the media is showing as already
done news that are really nothing but predictions about the future. This
usually happens in headlines, which are usually reduced to the minimum, while keeping
maximum impact. For instance, in a
recent news published on 2/12/2020, the headline is: Mars
was also beaten and for a long time. The text, however, is much
less conclusive. What the headline gives as certain, becomes just possible: The red planet could have formed in a longer time scale
than previously thought.
are prone to many manipulations, sometimes with unexpected consequences:
In 1995, one study showed that
the contraceptive pill increases the risk of thrombus embolism by 100%. The
press published it with great headlines. Thousands of women stopped taking the
pill. It is estimated that, as a result, 10,000 more abortions took place, only
in Great Britain.
had really happened? What did that study discover?
Risk of thrombo-embolism in women
who do not take the pill: 1 in 14,000. Risk of
thrombus embolism in women taking the pill: 2 in
this case, the news was not incorrect. What was wrong was the way of making it
public. It’s true, the risk increased by 100% (from 0.00007 to 0.00014). But
expressed in that way, it could cause a panic, and it did.
have given more examples in two old posts in this blog: this
one and this
is a list of 24 famous popularizers:
Michael Faraday |
Galileo Galilei, Michael
Faraday, Jean Martin Charcot, Camille Flammarion, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Josep
Comas and Solà, Gregorio Marañón, George Gamow, Willy Ley, Isaac Asimov, Arthur
C. Clarke, Konrad Lorenz, Stephen Jay Gould, Martin Gardner, Félix Rodríguez de
la Fuente, Douglas Hofstadter, Ian Stewart, Raymond Smullyan, Steven Weinberg,
Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose and Paul Davies.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal |
of them were scientists, distributed among the following fields: 3
mathematicians; 12 physicists, chemists and astronomers; 3 biologists; 4
doctors in medicine; and an engineer. The exception is Martin Gardner, who
graduated in philosophy, although he later specialized in philosophy of
mathematics. Some of them worked on several disciplines, or kept up to date
with them, at least from the informative point of view.
of the popularizers mentioned above also addressed the other way of popularizing
science: by means of fiction. Some of the names indicated are also
famous as authors of science fiction novels, or just fiction, with some
scientific stroke: Asimov, Clarke, Gamow, Sagan, Davies, Ramón y Cajal, and
Marañón wrote novels, some of which are considered among the best in the genre.
Are popularizers
born or made? Surely both things at once. The best definition of a popularizer was
given by Willy Ley, when one of his teachers asked the students to write a composition
developing the following question: which profession do I want to practice when
I’ll be grown up, and why? Willy Ley replied: I want to
be an explorer. The teacher did not like the answer, and said
there was nothing left to explore. Obviously, the teacher
was wrong.
The same post in Spanish
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Manuel Alfonseca
Happy summer holidays. See you by mid-August