It is better
to keep a certain skepticism about scientific theories,. Not only because these
theories are always simple approximations tuned by further advances, as in the
case of Newtonian gravitation and Einstein’s general relativity, quoted in a previous article. It may also be the case that a scientific
theory, after decades, centuries or even millennia of total domination, turns
out to be simply wrong. This has happened many times in all the sciences, as
will be seen with a sample of a few selected cases.
astronomy, Aristotle’s theory of quintessence,
arguing that the heavenly bodies are not made of the same stuff as the Earth,
was the standard theory for nearly two thousand years.
mathematics, the problem of squaring the circle
with ruler and compass wasted efforts for centuries until it was shown to have
no solution. Although amateurs keep trying, at least professionals no longer
have to waste their time with the alleged demonstration they regularly receive.
Lavoisier |
chemistry, the phlogiston theory, which
dominated for nearly a century, tried to solve the problem of combustion
assuming that a burning body loses a part of its substance (the mysterious phlogiston). The real process turned out to be
precisely the opposite. Rather than losing phlogiston, burning bodies absorb
oxygen, as Lavoisier showed in the late eighteenth century.
physics, for almost half a century in the late nineteenth century, no one
doubted the existence of the ether,
a mysterious substance with strange properties, which should provide support
for the movement of electromagnetic waves. In the early twentieth century it
was concluded that the ether
does not exist.