Thursday, March 26, 2020

Quantum supremacy?

A Wafer of the D-Wave Quantum Computer.
By Steve Jurvetson from Menlo Park, USA

We have been speaking about quantum computers for a few decades. These computers would work with qubits (quantum bits) instead of bits, and would perform certain operations much faster than ordinary computers.
It has been known since the thirties that quantum computers cannot solve problems that cannot be solved by ordinary computers. Those problems are called non-computable. What they would do, in principle, is solve certain problems (not all) much faster than ordinary computers. That higher speed, which in some cases should be enormous, is called quantum supremacy.
Let's give an example: we know that the decomposition of a composite number into its prime factors can be difficult. It’s trivial if the factors are small, but if the composite number is the result of multiplying two prime numbers of 100 digits each (for example) it is almost impossible to break it down, if we don’t know ay least one of the prime numbers.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The heralded pandemic

The November 2005 issue of Scientific American published an article signed by W. Wayt Gibbs and Christine Soares titled Preparing for a Pandemic. The article had the following subtitle-summary:
One day a highly contagious and lethal strain of influenza will sweep across all humanity, claiming millions of lives. It may arrive in months or not for years--but the next pandemic is inevitable. Are we ready?
Fourteen years later, the pandemic is here, although the authors were mistaken in one detail: they thought it would be caused by the influenza virus, but it was actually a coronavirus. These viruses belong to two different families:

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Scientific models: adjustment or validation?

Leonard Nimoy
as Mr. Spock
One of the ways in which science advances is by building models, which are often made up of more or less complex sets of mathematical equations, and trying to verify whether or not these models adapt to the functioning of the real world, as described by our senses and our instruments.
When building and using a model we must consider two distinct phases:
  • Model adjustment: it consists of assigning values ​​to the parameters of the model to ensure that it fits the data we already have about the real world. A model not adjusted to such prior knowledge would be totally useless.
  • Model validation: it consists of using the model to make surprising predictions that nobody could have foreseen without the help of the model. If these predictions are confirmed, they become surprising accurate predictions, validating the model. However, the validation is never final, for a new surprising inaccurate prediction could invalidate it in the future.
Let's look at a few examples:

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is there energy in the cosmos?

Georges Lemaître
During the 1950s two cosmological theories entered in competition: the Big Bang, proposed by Georges Lemaître, and the steady state, proposed by Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold. Although the second had to renounce the principle of the conservation of energy, the most sacred of physics, atheist cosmologists preferred it to the Big Bang, as it seemed to them that this theory required to accept God's creation. In the words of the English astronomer Raymond Littleton, in his popularization book The Modern Universe (1956):
A theory such as this [the Big Bang] that puts back creation to a singular instant in the remote past... to some minds it is an objection that it would imply the removal of the question of the origin of the material of the universe from the realm of science... This consideration does not of course mean that the explosion theory is necessarily wrong, but it puts the act of creation, as we might name it, beyond the reach of science.
In other words: Raymond Littleton objects to the Big Bang theory because it could force us to recognize the existence of a creative God. It cannot be said more clearly.