Thursday, April 16, 2020

Cellular automata and the game of life

John Horton Conway
On April 11, the mathematician John Horton Conway, age 82, died of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Conway became famous during the 1970s for inventing a very special cellular automaton, the Game of Life, which turned out to possess peculiar properties.
Contrary to what is done with most scientific discoveries, Conway did not publish his invention of the Game of Life in a typical scientific journal. It was first published in the Mathematical Games section of the Scientific American magazine, written by Martin Gardner. The article, titled The Fantastic Combinations of John Conway's New Solitaire Game 'Life', appeared in the October 1970 issue.
John von Neumann
Cellular automata had been invented in 1948-49 by the mathematician John von Neumann, famous for his numerous activities in the fields of computers (he designed the computer architecture we still use, von Neumann machines, which separate executable instructions from data); economics (he was one of the founders of modern game theory); or the axiomatization of quantum mechanics (although Dirac's version was finally adopted). A hypothetical capsule that could help spread the human species across the galaxy is called a von Neumann probe.
A cellular automaton is a discrete space (usually two-dimensional, but it can have any number of dimensions) divided into cells that form a potentially infinite grid. In each cell there is a deterministic finite automaton that may be in a certain state, selected from among several possible ones. Like space, time in the cellular automaton is also discrete (i.e. it’s not continuous) and moves in steps of equal length. At each step (or instant, or generation), the automaton of each cell receives information about the states of the neighboring cells and changes its state according to that information. All the automatons in the cells change state according to the same rules.
The Game of Life
In Conway’s cellular automaton (the Game of Life) each automaton can take only two states, which are called respectively alive and dead. The neighbors of each automaton, which send information about their state, are eight: those located at a distance of one cell in any direction, horizontal, vertical or diagonal. The rules to change the state are very simple: if the automaton of a cell is alive, in the next instant it will remain alive if it has two or three neighbors alive; otherwise, it will go into the dead state; and if an automaton is in the dead state, it will go into the alive state if it has exactly three neighbors alive.
It is curious that a device as simple as the Game of Life is capable of showing amazingly complex behaviors. By properly combining the initial states of the automata, it has been shown that it is possible (though not feasible) to build a computer that functions exactly like electronic computers (albeit much more slowly). This cellular automaton can be divided into regions that act as the logical gates with which the electronic circuits of a microprocessor are built, so that, in principle, by combining a sufficient number of these gates, a full computer could be assembled. This is why it is said that the cellular automata of the Game of Life type are computationally complete, which means that, in principle, any problem that can be solved with a computer, can be solved with them.
Cellular automata and the game of life have many applications in many fields. In a previous article I mentioned that Francisco José Soler Gil and I used the Game of Life and other similar cellular automata to prove that Tegmark's multiverse does not solve the problem of fine tuning. My website mentions 18 publications that use them. Here I’ll mention just four:
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Manuel Alfonseca

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