Craig Venter |
a clarification. We must distinguish two very different fields of research:
- Artificial life: this is the part of computer engineering
that tries to build programs that emulate the behavior of living beings: either
artificial living beings, or colonies of living beings, such as anthill or
- Synthetic life: this is the part of biology that tries
to build artificial living cells from simple chemical substances. So far,
this goal has not been achieved.
we be able one day to make life in the laboratory? A few important steps have
been taken during the last half century.
- In 1967, Arthur Kornberg (1959 Nobel Prize
together with Severo Ochoa) used the enzymes DNA polymerase (discovered by
him) and DNA ligase to duplicate the DNA of the fX174 virus, which is made of 5386
nucleotides, and showed that the copy of the
virus could infect bacteria, as the original virus. For
those who argue that viruses are alive, this was the first generation of
artificial life, but the authors of the experiment, who did not share that
opinion, insisted before the press that their discovery shouldn’t be presented
in that way.
- In 1976, Frederick Sanger (the only winner
so far of two Nobel Prizes in chemistry, in 1958 and 1980) managed to sequence the genome of the fX174 virus, i.e. obtain the complete ordered list of its nucleotides. This
was the first genome successfully sequenced.
- After his spectacular triumph in the Human
Genome project, when a small private company achieved results comparable
to the multi-million dollar project sponsored by the United States
Government, biologist Craig Venter dedicated his efforts to synthetic
biology. The first thing he did was build artificially DNA molecules, starting
from the list of their nucleotides, and make those molecules act inside
living cells as their natural models do. In 2003, Venter and his team
built the first “artificial DNA” by
generating the DNA of virus fX174, using DNA synthesizer machines, and starting from the list of the virus
nucleotides obtained by Sanger. This was not the first artificially constructed
virus, since in 2002 Eckard Wimmer and his team had managed to synthesize
RNA from the poliovirus that causes polio, starting from its genome
(the list of its nucleotides).
- After this achievement, Venter and his team moved to more complex organisms,
about which there is no doubt that they are living beings, and to begin
with they chose the group of living cells with the smallest known genomes:
very small bacteria without a hard membrane, which makes their handling
easier. The smallest genome belongs to Mycoplasma genitalium
and contains 582,970 nucleotides and 480 genes. This genome was sequenced
by Venter and his team in 1995, and in 2007 they managed to synthesize it
(with some changes, to facilitate its identification) from the list of its
- The next step, completed in 2007, was transplanting
the DNA from a bacterium into another bacterium of a related although
different species, to see if it could be expressed there. For this they
chose two similar species: Mycoplasma capricolum and Mycoplasma
mycoides, which have a larger genome with 1,010,023 and 1,083,241
nucleotides respectively, 91.5% of which are the same, which made it
likely that the genome of one species would work in a cell of the other.
They extracted the chromosome from M. mycoides, inserted it into M.
capricolum cells and allowed the cells to reproduce, hoping that some
of the daughter cells would be left only with the transplanted genome, as
it happened. The DNA taken from M. mycoides was able to
reproduce correctly in a cell of M. capricolum, so this cell had changed species.
- Successive research, which ended in 2010,
was aimed at artificially synthesizing DNA from M. mycoides and
inserting it into cells of M. capricolum, to see if the change
of species could be made, not from the DNA of a living cell, but with an
artificially generated copy. This experiment
also ended successfully.

himself acknowledges that his experiments have
not resulted in the synthesis of living cells. In every case, they have started from pre-existing cells whose DNA has been replaced by another DNA,
either from a different cell, or artificially generated. To be able to say that
life has been manufactured, it would be necessary to design synthetic DNA and
introduce it into an artificial membrane, with artificial contents, getting the
artificial cell to reproduce. Until this is achieved, the synthesis of life in
the laboratory won’t have happened. Although Venter does not risk predicting a
date when this will have been achieved, he doesn’t think the goal is too far
think he’s wrong. Perhaps we shouldn't be too optimistic. Remember the
horizon effect. In the next post I’ll explain why.
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Manuel Alfonseca