Thursday, February 1, 2024

Strange curves and biological structures

Von Koch's Snowflake Curve

In general, geometric objects are usually classified according to the number of their dimensions, like this:

  • Points have zero dimensions.
  • Lines (straight lines or curves) have one dimension.
  • Surfaces have two dimensions.
  • Volumes have three dimensions.

Furthermore, mathematicians often work with objects that have more than three dimensions, which are very difficult for us to imagine.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch discovered a strange curve (the von Koch snowflake), which has the following properties:

  • It is continuous in every point, but has no derivative at any point.
  • Although it is a closed curve, its perimeter is infinite.
  • Although it is a line, its dimension is not 1.

In 1919, the mathematician H. Hausdorff proposed a new concept of dimension, which would be applicable to these strange curves and would distinguish them from ordinary lines and surfaces. According to his definition, too complicated to detail here, all typical lines, open or closed, have dimension equal to one; all typical surfaces have dimension two. But curves similar to von Koch’s snowflake can have fractional dimensions, between one and two. For example, von Koch’s snowflake has the following dimension: (log 4)/(log 3) = 1.2618595071429...

Von Koch’s curve was not the first strange curve that mathematicians discovered. At the end of the 19th century, Giuseppe Peano devised another curve, even more strange, which bears his name, and which is defined as the limit of a set of successive curves, the sixth of which can be seen in the attached figure. This curve, like all those preceding and following in the succession, is evidently a line with a starting point and an ending point, located at two opposite vertices of a square. A point moving along this line would not have freedom of movement except in one direction. Therefore, it appears that this is a one-dimensional object. But it is also evident, if we observe the succession of the curves, that the line ends up filling the square. We have here, therefore, a line that completely fills a surface, without ceasing, apparently, to be a line.

Sixth approximation to Peano's Curve

How many dimensions does Peano’s curve have? On the one hand, it appears to have one dimension, because it is the limit of a succession of curves whose dimension is always 1. On the other hand, it seems to have two dimensions, as the curve in the limit passes through all the points of a square. And indeed, if we calculate its Hausdorff dimension, it comes out to be 2. Peano’s curve is also strange for not having a derivative at any point, but that is another story.

Many years after Peano and von Koch discovered their curves, the Polish-American mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot proposed the name fractals for these curves (and for other mathematical objects).

Just as Peano’s curve, despite being a curve, fills a surface and therefore has dimension 2, there are fractal surfaces that fill volumes, and therefore have dimension 3. And there are fractal volumes that fill all the available space, and therefore can be said to have dimension 4.

Let's look at the attached figure, which I've taken from the book Scale: The universal laws of life and death in organisms, cities and companies, by Geoffrey West, from the Santa Fe Institute. It represents the metabolic rate (in watts) of several species of birds and mammals, depending on their body mass. The two axes of the figure are logarithmic, which means that the straight line where the metabolic rates of all those animals are approximately located, is actually a power curve, whose exponent is the slope of the line, i.e. approximately ¾. West explains the figure thus:

Elephants are roughly 10,000 times (four orders of magnitude) heavier than rats; consequently, they have roughly 10,000 times as many cells. The 3⁄4 power scaling law says that, despite having 10,000 times as many cells to support, the metabolic rate of an elephant (that is, the amount of energy needed to keep it alive) is only 1,000 times (three orders of magnitude) larger than a rat’s.

How can this be? According to West, the circulatory system of birds and mammals is made of blood vessels with a hierarchical structure, with the aorta and vena cava at the top, plus various vessels of decreasing diameter, ending in capillaries of microscopic diameter. This defines a fractal structure in three dimensions. Every cell in the body receives food from a nearby capillary, so the blood vessels must fill all the available space (the entire volume of the body), just like Peano’s curve fills the surface of a square. Therefore, the Hausdorf dimension of our circulatory system is equal to 4. This would explain the exponent ¾ in the growth of metabolism as a function of body mass in birds and mammals.

More about this, next week.

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Manuel Alfonseca

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